Confusion should lead to enlightenment. But does it for you?

via Daily Prompt: Confused

Feeling confused is horrifying.  I mean the type of confused where you feel stuck in life.  That kind of feeling where your brought to tears when making a decision that your not sure about.  We are not talking about which cereal to choose and why.  Confusion – the killer of progress.

I believe that Confusion is the killer of progress because advancement is so much more than decisions and choices.  There is the brave “action” of the progress but just because you jump doesn’t mean that you are going to get anywhere.  If you jump but don’t know why you do it then, ultimately, you fail.

There is a cure for this thing called confusion.  Its called “Getting Un-confused”.  Confusion is a particular thing in that it depends on your experience and wisdom.  Its easier said than done, I know.  If at any time you feel confused about anything in this universe you need to do but one thing – reach out for perspective.  There are very little things in this life that are hopeless.  Death and Taxes, maybe?  Confusion is not one of them.  We only stay bogged down in one place because we want to.  It may be difficult to hear but you are where you are because you want to be there.  If you wanted progress more than anything, than you would do what you had to get there.

Perspective is not expensive, don’t worry yourself.  It’s actually the cheapest thing around.  The only thing it asks in return is interest and yearning.  You can find it at the coffee shop down the road.  In a grocery store magazine.  Why go so far – you might be able to find it in your parents or relatives.  Maybe at church or in a social club you have wanted to join for sometime now.  All you have to do is reach out and ask.

One thing is certain – you will find perspective.  Then you say goodbye to confusion.

10 thoughts on “Confusion should lead to enlightenment. But does it for you?

    1. Which is the beauty of it all – the fact that you must acquire humbleness before you can get out of that rut. You have to put your crown down and say, “Okay. I’m ready to learn.” That and so much more….

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      1. Yes, yes that is so true. That takes courage to acknowledge, “Ok maybe I don’t have the answers for everything, nor do I know everything I thought I did”. Then the process of journeying can really begin.

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  1. ” We only stay bogged down in one place because we want to. It may be difficult to hear but you are where you are because you want to be there. If you wanted progress more than anything, than you would do what you had to get there.” <—— 😭😭😭 so true.

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