The “New Year’s Resolution” Post

Many are going to say that this post is late. I can understand that. Its January 21st of the New Year and I’m just now getting around to it. Seems lazy on my behalf. The reason that I’ve delayed posting anything on this popular topic is because I entered 2016 with the real desire to “think” a little.

Many are going to say that this post is late.  I can understand that.  Its January 21st of the New Year and I’m just now getting around to it.  Seems lazy on my behalf.  The reason that I’ve delayed posting anything on this popular topic is because I entered 2016 with the real desire to “think” a little.

CrossFit Training Push Ups

I can remember the last few years I have taken a trip on a lot of bandwagons.  Since 2010 or so I have pledged to exercise more and get “into shape”.  If Im completely honest…this has not happened.  I have a grin on my face as I admit that.  Doesn’t hurt me as much as I thought to say it.  The youth of my church play a lot of sports as it is but I have not really made it a daily goal to “look for” physical fitness.  Although its not something that a lot of us enjoy, this is the undeniable requirement – it has to be everyday, on your mind, a part of your life.

Although fitness of the body is great and all, I thought that this year I would try to also direct my eyes to the heavens for inspiration.  Why don’t we make it a New Year’s Resolution to not miss or skip out on church services?  What if I dedicated myself to participating in every church activity in 2016?  When before I could not find the enthusiasm and drive to attend, this year I am going to make a conscious effort to be there.

I realize at this point in my life that all the activities that our churches hold, especially the General Services, are planned out by God for our lives.  I want you to look down at your phone.Dead-battery-charge  Yes.  The phone that you undoubtedly have sitting in your lap, or in your pocket or purse, or on the desk just under your nose.  See it?  Good.  What happens if that phone is not connected later tonight while you sleep to its charger?  You will wake up to find it at at 75% battery life.  If you fail to connect it yet again the next night, the most probable thing is that you will wake up to find it at 50% battery life.  Sooner or later that phone will not turn on at all.  Aaaaaaaaaahhhh!!!  I know…. nightmare.  Wednesday night service, Friday night service, and Sunday morning service all have one thing in common – they keep you connected.  They help to pry you away from your own self and think a little about what God wants for your life and his church.  It all helps us to remember that WE ARE WAITING FOR HIM.  Needless to say our devotion and interest should not stop at the days we go to church.  Secret of the year…. ready?   When you look for the Lord at home you WILL find him.

That said, we get back to the topic on hand.  This year I am going to make goals that involve the Kingdom of Heaven.Cool-Bible-Photo-1024x768  I am going to rededicate myself to finding him.  God is gracious and so loving that he knows that we have other things going on.  But the word says, “…fix your eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of our faith.”  Hebrews 12:2  So we can’t put anything else in first place because that belongs to Jesus.  After that we can look for health, play music, read, sew, run, jump, spin, and hop as much as it benefits us in his will.  “Gospel” w/ some “everything else” = on the “right track”.  For a lot of individuals the equation looks as follows – “Everything  else” w/ some “Gospel = ?  All Im trying to say is that we should have our priorities straight where they really matter.

This is a conversation that can go on and on but Im really not hear to do that.  This is just a seed that was planted on New Year’s Day by my Pastor.  Its a seed that I decided to water or meditate about.  I feels like it’s sprouting and I just wanted to share it.  Its a new perspective for me.  This is why I treasure it and will hold on to it all year, So help me God.